Participants attending the vigil included representatives from Families and Friends of Murdered Children and Victims of Violence. Maudine Brown Long the organization’s family support specialist spoke as did Dr. Allison Stokes, Director of the Ghandi Institute for Non-Violence of the University of Rochester, Joanne Winslow from the Monroe County DA's office, Reverend Roy Jones, Mrs Audrey Smith, the founder of Families and Friends of Murdered Children and Victims of Violence, artist Heather Layton, a University of Rochester professor and myself representing George Eastman House.
Bishop Willie Davis from the Emmanuel Missionary Church, who facilitated the vigil, called for the community to join hands and work for the common good.
I want to thank Bishop Davis for leading the vigil and speaking to the problem of violence in our community but also to the hope and wish that it will be resolved. I would also like to thank Mrs. Debbie Brown the administrative executive director of Families and Friends of Murdered Children and Victims of Violence. She was instrumental in the development of the programming that I created for the Not Forgotten exhibition. Without her support and guidance I would not of been able to accomplish as much I did. Thank you, Thank you Debbie from the bottom of my heart!
Here is some of the coverage from the local new media...