Friday, February 13, 2009

Rob and Katie - September 6, 2008

Rob and Katie had their ceremony and reception at the Irondequoit Country Club Stacey Blair and her crew always do a wonderful job, the guests had a ball. 

Katie's dad wasn't sure what to do with a house hold full of women getting ready.

Here is everyone seeing Katie in her dress for the first time. 

This is the lucky ladybug that her twin sister pinned into her dress. 

The guys all had the same socks on and wanted to make sure we got a picture of them. 

Here are some of our favorite image of Rob and Katie. 

Katie and her mom did an amazing job with all the little details. Here is the invitation. 

wedding program

Table numbers

This is one of the favors. They are pins of Katie and Rob

This is the other favor, which is a wonderful idea and we have seen more and more of our couples opting for this. 

Polaroid guest book

The parents put together a slide show showing images of Katie and Rob from infants to adults. It was really sweet, funny and emotional all at the same time. 

Congratulations to you both!!

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