When Julia was taking the pictures, she forgot she had a lit candle in her hand and almost set her hair on fire in the process. Now that would of made for a memorable Christmas Eve!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Christmas Eve
Just getting around to processing our Christmas pictures. We have been so busy working on the albums for our clients that I hadn't relized that it was almost February and hadn't gotten the christmas pictures up and out. We had a great time we went down to DC to see Kurtis's family, hung out with family, played with the nephews and neice. Saw a great photo show at the National Gallery of Art and of course ate way to much! Here are some pictures from Christmas Eve Services.

When Julia was taking the pictures, she forgot she had a lit candle in her hand and almost set her hair on fire in the process. Now that would of made for a memorable Christmas Eve!
When Julia was taking the pictures, she forgot she had a lit candle in her hand and almost set her hair on fire in the process. Now that would of made for a memorable Christmas Eve!
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