- Kurtis and Julia's other life...when not shooting weddings, we work for George Eastman House, International Museum of Photography and Film in Rochester New York. Julia is Manager of Exhibitions and Program Design, meaning that she helps to facilitate, organize and occasionally curate the exhibitions and also program, organize and implement all public events for the museum. Kurtis helps to design, build and install the exhibitions. Currently we are working on Not Forgotten: Life and Death in Rochester. It opens to the public Saturday January 19, 2008. The exhibition is the work of Will Yurman, staff photographer for The Democrat and Chronicle Newspaper. Will spent 2007 photographing the prayer vigils, funurals, families and friends of the 58 victims. He has created an amazing online piece that includes his photographs, family photographs of the victims and audio from his interview with the families. It is heatrwrenching and amazing all at the same time. If you haven't had a chance to see it please visit this link.
The exhibition opens to the public on Saturday and we all have been hard at works. Here is a glimpse of the gallery so far.

The show runs from January 19, 2008 - March 2, 2008. If you get a chance stop by and see it.
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